For the better part of a decade, the industry analysts have been quick to point out that no one wants to play a classic point-and-click adventure game. Tim Schafer and Double Fine, however, disagree, and they’ve asked adventure game fans to put their money where their mouth is. And boy did they! In under 24 hours, the fund has earned over $1,000,000. After the astonishing one day windfall, the initial goal of $400,000 over the course of 33 days seems modest in comparison.
Schafer, the mind behind classic titles like the Monkey Island series and Day of the Tentacle will use the donations to fund a crack team of six Double Fine employees to create a brand new point and click adventure. To add some extra spice to the endeavor, a documentary crew will film the creation process as the devs create a brand new IP.
All of the money earned beyond the requested $400,000 will go back into the game, likely in the form of more voice acting or an improved soundtrack. Donators will receive a Steam copy of the as-of-yet untitled game when it is released. Those who are willing to donate more than the $15 minimum will receive additional bonuses like autographed posters, art, and even the opportunity to be inserted into the game as an NPC.
This isn’t the first time Double Fine and Schafer have been the target of an unexpected boon this week. Minecraft mogul Markus Persson recently said on Twitter that he was interested in funding a sequel to the cult classic Psychonauts.
For those interested in adding their support to this already record breaking initiative, check out Double Fine’s kickstarter page for more information.