
Indie Developers Releasing Licensed Hunger Games… Game.

The Hunger Games is on the verge of becoming a worldwide phenomenon. The beloved Young Adult series will debut the first of three movies on March 23.  The hype for the series has been building steadily, and gamers know what happens when a movie series gets big: we get a video game based off of the property.

And indeed, The Hunger Games: Girl on Fire is slated to release on mobile devices in time for the movie’s release.  However, instead of being a full fledged game the study has commissioned indie devs to create a short, unique “teaser” game to gets fans excited for the upcoming film. Adam Saltsman (AKA: indie game designer DOOMLASER) is heading the project and tells reporters that that game will feature an original story that takes place before the movies.

Featuring graphics that look like they were lifted directly from the 16-bit era, Girl on Fire strives to create the opposite of the current movie game.  The look will be demonstrably separate from the world of the movie, making it definitively a video game.  Saltsman hasn’t spoken much about the gameplay, but he did claim it was about making hard choices.

Everyone looking to take an early trip to District 12 will only need to wait a few weeks.  The game will be available on iOS and Android.

[Source: Joystiq]

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