
Penny Arcade Returns To Gaming, Goes Retro

Anyone who had been looking forward to the third installment of the trendsetting webcomic Penny-Arcade’s episodic RPG title, On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness, had probably long since given up hope.  Those who remained steadfast and true, however, shall not go unrewarded. At long last, Penny Arcade’s third iteration of their turn based RPG/adventure game will be released for the PC, mobile devices, and XBLA.

It might look a little… different from how fans remember it, however. Instead of a slick 3D interface, Tycho and Gabe are going back to the 90s. Graphics in the third episode will be referencing 16-bit RPGs, aping the style of early SNES Final Fantasy titles. The previous development team at HotHead won’t be returning however; instead, indie game developer Zeboyd will be in the captain’s seat.  Having developed retro RPGs like Cthulu Saves the World, Zeboyd is in the perfect position to create an affordable, witty title that fits in with the Penny-Arcade brand.

No release date is available yet, but PAX East attendees will be able to enjoy a demo on the showroom floor.

[Source: Joystiq]

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