
The Steam Summer Sale Starts Today!

You probably already knew that, but in case you didn’t, or it slipped your mind – here’s a link to the Steam site (if for some reason you don’t have Steam).

There is a community portion to the sale as well – meaning gamers can vote on what games will and will not go on sale at a later date.

Portal 2 is $4.99 which is 75% off its normal price and Modern Warfare 3 is 50% of at $29.99, and those are just two of the many deals going on right now.

This summer will definitely put a dent in my wallet.

Nick Marcantonio

Nick interns in Manhattan while living on Long Island. His gaming passion runs deeper than the Mariana Trench. A graduate with a Music Industry degree, he passes the time playing FIFA 13 and eating cookies for breakfast.

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