

Thanks to our wonderful friends over at Frogmind Games, we have a couple iOS redemption codes for BADLAND to give away to our awesome readers. BADLAND is an atmospheric side-scrolling action adventure located in a gorgeous forest full of various inhabitants, trees and flowers. You can read our review here, or check out the trailer below:

[youtube id=”7nkxyKo09Qs” width=”600″ height=”350″]

This time around we’re going to continue the giveaway with the aid of Rafflecopter, the perk of Rafflecopter is that the more you do, the more entries you get into the giveaway; plus you can enter a minimum of once per day to increase your odds!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winners: 2
Prize: (1) BADLAND iOS Redemption Code
Closes: July 6th 12:00 AM EST
Sponsor: Frogmind Games
Official Rules: Official contest rules for GIZORAMA can be found here.

Good luck!

Kanji Prearms

Kanji has been holding a controller since he could walk, and loves nothing more than talking about his latest conquest with friends.


  1. My 3 year old so she’d have someone to play with and we wouldn’t have to make a baby.

  2. I’d clone the geniuses of Frogmind Games so they could make another game as good as this one.

  3. I don’t know if I would clone myself if I had the chance. Every movie, tv show or comic book that deals with clones, something always goes terribly wrong involving them.

  4. id have to agree, clone myself to replay every old awesome game ever that i could never beat as a kid. TMNT 1 damn level im looking at you

  5. I’d clone the cloning machine (is ti possible?) so that by productivity levels would go up. Then I’d starting cloning hair ties and hair pins because they always disappear anyway.

  6. Me? I’d clone 100 dollar bills so I’d never have to work agian.
    I don’t want the game though, just thought i’d say that XD

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