
Extra Life Raises Over 4 Million Dollars

Gaming fundraising group Extra Life has announced via their Facebook page that they have raised 4 Million Dollars.

Despite a string of DDoS attacks that hindered the efforts of Extra Life and gamers all over the world during both the initial fundraising day on November 2nd, as well as a make-up day the following week, raising 4 Million for Childrens Miracle Hospitals is something that everyone who chipped in can be proud of.

If you’re willing to host a fundraising event of your own, you can register at Extra Life’s website before December 31st.

Bevon Lewis

Bevon was born and raised in New York City. If he isn't adventuring around the city with earbuds on, he's probably playing a fighting game. Is easily subdued by shiny gadgets, Gundams, and burgers.

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