
God of War III Remastered 10 Minute Gameplay Trailer

Drop down into the depths of the underworld with PlayStation’s latest God of War III Remastered video, featuring the fantastical battle between Hades and Kratos. At 60fps and 1080p, it’s a wonder you can’t see the creases in Hades’ eternally old face!

This remastered version of the 2010 PlayStation 3 hack-n-slasher is due to hit shelves on July 14th for PlayStation 4, making it the first of the God of War series to see it to Sony’s next-gen console. Be sure to check it out!

Johnny Ohm

Johnny's first love was writing, his second was beer, and his third was The Elder Scrolls. He is resigned to his fate as a bitter critic who uses the crisping drawer to keep his lagers cold. You can contact Johnny via Twitter or ouija board.

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