
Rock Band 4 Confirmed For Xbox One and PS4

Musically-inclined fans rejoice! Harmonix has officially announced the existence of Rock Band 4, which fans can expect to see at the end of the year for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

While new guitar, microphone, and drum peripherals are destined to hit the market under a partnership with Mad Catz, Harmonix product manager Daniel Sussman says the developers are “working their asses off” to find a way for the game to support older peripherals. Along the same lines, Sussman claims they’re also working on availability for DLC previously purchased in older games.

“We have been working with Sony and Microsoft to support legacy entitlements, so that DLC you bought on the PS3 will carry forward to the PS4,” he said, “and same with the Xbox 360 to the Xbox One.”

Die hard living room rockstars will have to subsist on this final installment alone, however, as Sussman indicates that Rock Band 4 will be the only one in the series to be released for the next-gen consoles.

“We don’t envision a Rock Band 5, 6, 7 or 8,” he said, “What we would rather do is build on the Rock Band 4 feature set through very deliberate content and title updates that are developed in collaboration and conversation with our community.”

You can check out the Rockband 4 trailer above! Are you ready to rock out with your peripheral gear out?

Johnny Ohm

Johnny's first love was writing, his second was beer, and his third was The Elder Scrolls. He is resigned to his fate as a bitter critic who uses the crisping drawer to keep his lagers cold. You can contact Johnny via Twitter or ouija board.

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