Initially released in 1989 on arcade, this cult 2D action platformer seduced a whole generation of players with its challenging difficulty. The remake of this arcade classic has been completely redrawn et re-orchestrated by Philippe Dessoly and Pierre Adane, the architects behind the original Amiga conversion of the game back in the 1990’s.
Toki’s Story:
Toki the warrior lived peacefully in the jungle with his sweetheart Miho. Appearing out of nowhere, the terrifying voodoo sorcerer Vookimedlo and heinous demon Bashtar kidnap Miho and turn the poor Toki into a chimpanzee! Unfortunately for his sweetheart, he has become a hairy, lethargic ape…
The former warrior must get used to his new form and, deprived of his traditional weapons, use his powerful jaw to spit strange projectiles at his enemies. During his adventure, Toki will find objects that will help him complete his quest, from a football helmet to a pair of flippers and snorkel.
Toki is set to release on the Nintendo Switch December 4th.