
Zynga Has A New CEO And You Just Might Care About It

Today, Zynga made an announcement that they have unanimously appointed a new Chief Executive Officer. Zynga, is a leading provider of social game services, and there’s a decent chance you might have tried playing something from them. Now you’re probably wondering why that’s a big deal.

Well you might know the guy. He’s recently gotten attention over basically saying you should go buy an Xbox 360 if you have limited internet access, and has worked at Microsoft for six years. Let’s all calm down for a moment, and put the pitchforks down before you poke your eye out. If by now you’ve guessed it’s Don Mattrick then you’re right. If you thought the new CEO is going to be a farmer then at least you had a good, yet lame joke in your head. (Okay, okay, I’m sorry for that joke.)

Don Mattrick as the CEO for Zynga could mean great news for browser based gaming. Don’t believe me? Let’s look over some things that Mattrick has done over his career. When he was 17 he founded his first company, Distinctive Software, and it was acquired by Electronic Arts back in 1991. He served as president of Worldwide Studios at Electronic Arts, and if it wasn’t for him we may not have Need for Speed, FIFA, and The Sims where they are today.

Let’s not forget that he spent the last three years as president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. His team is responsible for the Xbox 360 spreading its wings further increasing the global installed base by 700 percent. Not only that, but his team is also a reason that Xbox Live membership grew from 6 million to 51 million in 41 different countries. Yeah, that’s quite a lot, and it’s crazy to think about right? Let’s not forget Mattrick also got the Kinect out there, and he got it out there as the fastest selling consumer electronic device near the end of 2010 into the next year.

Should there be anything to worry about? No, I don’t think so, but it’s also worth noting that Mattrick is now a member of the Board of Directors at Zynga. Now we can wait, and see where this goes.

Are you still worried something unpleasant will come from this, or are you excited that the boundaries of browser based gaming might get pushed to a new limit? Let’s us know in the comments.

Sean Zingiris

Sean lives in a lovely suburbia a little north of Fort Worth, Texas. He's addicted to games, Italian food, crazy concepts, and to an extent YouTube. His dreams to take over the world with Cool Ranch tacos are in the works however, he'll probably just stick to informing you about the latest news he can find.

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